Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fun finds according to Kindergarteners

The other day I brought in a deck of flash cards for my students. Now they're the new hit! These aren't 'Addition' or 'Subtraction' cards. I decided to spice things up between the phonics and math lessons, and grabbed my 'Explore Landmarks' set- I just snagged them from the Target Dollar Bin without much forethought... but my students ate them up!

These pictures and the information about the landmarks has added a spark of curiosity about the world that I love to see from these fresh minds. I adore how everything I offer them is so new and exciting because they're lil Kinders! This was a reminder of that. I wont be with this group in the new year, but it was fun teaching them while I did!

The Moai Monoliths off the coast of Chile were their faves.

.... Spence and I saw replicas of these at the Easter Island exhibit in another polynesian land last year- Hawaii!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Happy Movember, everyone! I love this pic from Spence' and my wedding day- just over a year ago now!! (and every day gets happier...)

My brother is stylin' the stash this month too to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer- the number one male cancer. His friend lost his Grandfather to prostate cancer and so they are working as a team to raise money, and my brother has received $300 in donations, almost his $500 goal.

Go to

and click on 'donate to me' - the button under the current pic of him looking like Tom Selleck. ;) Every little bit helps!

Which one's my Mo Bro? Which one's Tom??

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Soccer Related

So I am also a guest blogger on another site called RSL Soapbox. This is a Real Salt Lake themed blog. I've had 4 posts there so far, here's the links to them (oldest to newest):

How Should Real Salt Lake Approach the 1st Leg of the CONCACAF Quarterfinals?

A Good Surgery but Now What?

The Experience of an RSL Fan Exiled to Los Angeles

The Birth of Hellboy Wingert

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I can hardly believe it, but I've lived in LA for 5 years! It has been a lovely place to be: great people, places, food, and . . .

you guessed it: w e a t h e r! I have to admit that nice as it is here, I have suffered from seasonal disorientation, itching to cosy into a sweater and sit by the fire with hot chocolate, at least for a day or two, but I love the beach and balm.

Ok, so yea, sometimes I still open a window in the morning expecting frosty air. But all I find is maybe some condensation on my windshield. This is because over and over, all I do is put on my sandals and pack a light sweater not because it will be super cold, but more often just in case I am in a building with over excited air conditioning.

I open my window sometimes and some un-kickable instinct in me still wonders, 'has the first winter snow finally come?' I think it took a couple years of living here to really believe that there is not much of a change in seasons here, but I still have a sense to check the weather a little before getting dressed or leaving for the day. I also get really excited when I see leaves that have changed color this time of year. Pretty much I am on weather alert so I don't get caught unprepared on a horrifically hot day, and I look outside or take a step outdoors to see, 'Oh, what a BEAUTIFUL day! (again!)' I have not ceased to be amazed with the weather down here.

So you will imagine my surprise when I looked up from my playground supervision duties the other day to see this:


Yes, apparently there are 'snow birds' even here in the lovely Los Angeles. Ok, so there were only like 4. Fewer than this pic, but still!?

And yes, they were headed south! But maybe it's just for their other nest in Tijuana?

Saturday, September 3, 2011


One of the big perks about living in California is having relatively easy access to Disneyland! I have been a few times since moving out here, but starting this spring, I have been many times! My sister and her boys are set up with season passes and she asked if I could come along sometimes too if she got a pass for me! Season pass for Disneyland? In exchange for pushing a stroller while there? Yes ma'am! I'm in!

Friday, July 15, 2011


So one of my favorite memories is going to Seattle to watch Real Salt Lake win the 2009 MLS Cup. Lindsay and I decided to go to Seattle since she used to live there and wanted to show me around. For part of the trip, we did a tour of Qwest Field, which was the place this picture was taken:

For part of the tour, they let us onto the pitch (or field, depending on what sport you're participating in), which I loved.

So I got some pictures down on the field.

Taking a penalty kick...

...standing in the goal, staring down the opposition...

...and one with a great wife! Thanks babe!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Seattle Spectacular! The Japanese Gardens!

One thing I love about Seattle is how green it is, any time of year! Spence and I just had a great time taking a trip to visit my parents and also have a get away. We were excited to see them and escape from the heat and business of LA to the cool and lush greenery of Seattle. We kicked off the visit with a fun boat ride, then followed up with a walk through Lincoln Park and a visit to the Japanese Gardens the ensuing days. Both these parks were explored upon recommendation from my brother and we thoroughly enjoyed them! The Japanese gardens were exquisite!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Does Halloween upstage Easter?

I just read the cutest Children's Book about the different holidays throughout the year. The book is 'Over and Over,' by Charlotte Zalotow. All the days we celebrate in the year are fun but I think Halloween is my fave.
My sister and I were talking about the celebrations we have through the year and we realized something about the emphasis and energy we put on each. It appears we are not too steady sometimes with the amount of time and planning we put into these events. Halloween is the first big thing we celebrate at the beginning of the school year and can be so BIG, since there's lots of lead up. But by Sping we get a little tired! We realized that sometimes at Eastertime we find ourselves pooped out... not a lot of activities planned, or special things to make it meaningful. And it's SUCH a great holiday! Spence and I decorated cupcakes this year, which isnt bad I guess but there's so much more that we could do! Halloween we had some great costumes going and went to a huge dance, Easter was more quiet. So this year I want to have a little more 'holiday celebtration energy' for Easter time and maybe have people over to decorate eggs! Or have a dinner! Or even have an egg hunt! Or go on a spring time hike or have a spring tea (Mercedes?) Until then... halloween costume ideas have a while to brew... is this why Halloween is one of my faves? Because I have lots of time to think about it?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wedding Bells

Check out this link to a Wedding Blog Post about us!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The other day in Sunday School we were talking about love and that as Christ has loved us we should love one another. (John 13)
I think that we are living in an exciting time when our church is expanding to have people of even more diverse backgrounds and rich heritages not only new in the church - but clearly established, filling roles as leaders and being a positive influence. Sometimes it's easier to love someone who is from a similar background and upbringing, because we are already familiar with their habits, etiquette, and even language. But I have found that sometimes the people I least expect to be helpful are actually the wisest, most experienced and kind friends.

There is even someone in my ward who makes a point of trying something new with a new person each month. She said that as a result she has made some great friends and has acquired a new hobby that she LOVES... Sailing.

So how can we be more tolerable then more loving and then a better friend to some of the people who come into our lives?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Getty!

Spence and I have been trying to get to the Getty for a while (The Getty Center in Los Angeles is a museum funded by J. Paul Getty - the first site outgrew his home... this 2nd site is 24 acres in the Santa Monica Mountains above the 405 Freeway.) We were lucky to hit it on a clear day and got a great view of the gardens and some of the surrounding 600 (!) acres kept in a natural state. It was lovely to get up there and see a great exhibit, appreciate the architecture of the property, and take in the views!

The exhibit was 'The Life and Luxury of Paris' in the 1700's!... it was fascinating to see some items from that time- musical instruments, elaborate clothes and beds, card games, games similar to bridge... lovely art and sculptures that were on display in these homes of the wealthy... they seemed to enjoy Greek Mythology, and it was a way to display their advanced education... letter writing... as we learned about this time it seemed that Spence and I started making contrasts and comparisons to our time. What are some things you think you would have enjoyed if you had lived in that era?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bearing down the pins

Last weekend Spence and I were having dinner and figuring out what we wanted to do that evening. We were feeling adventurous, I guess, because Spence suggested we hit a bowling alley we have not gone to together yet and away we went! It was such a treat to head over to do something we have not done in a long time! Lucky for us we didnt have any wait time and were able to get started right away. It was really fun to get into the rhythm of launching the ball down the lane and seeing how many pins I could knock out. Spencer nailed some strikes after barely choosing which ball he'd use! He got a strike after we’d hardly warmed up, then another, then ANOTHER!! I guess that’s called a ‘Turkey!’ Haha… I was so impressed. It was thrilling to see such a smashing hit each time his 12 pound ball rolled down the lane. I was using a 9 pound one and although it felt about right for me my aim was off sometimes. I was not able to knock out quite so many pins. I had the thrill of getting a strike and even some spares on occasion, though. But it was balanced with a few gutter balls. Oops. Through it all though, Spence was very encouraging and even though I didn’t quite break 100 like I hoped, I think my game is improving! There was a big group beside us too and we enjoyed seeing how their game played out. Wow, though- Spence was really able to wail those pins. I quite like this sport too. Who knows, maybe we'll join a league?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Marriage Is What Brings Us Here Today

Linds: Spencer and I were married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! We decided to keep things interesting, and head up to where a lot of the people on our guest list lived. We wanted a fun wedding, and knew that to have family and as many close friends as possible would set that up. Canada seemed like the prime spot since so much of my family still lives there and we knew at least some of Spencer’s family and friends could make the trip!
The “mini” temple in Alberta’s capital (the middle of the province); or in other words, the temple that is smaller than the large temples- has a special place in my heart because I remember President Hinckley visiting and choosing the location right by the church I attended as a teenager! The temple was dedicated the year I graduated from high school.

November 20th dawned a bright, clear day with snow sparkling on the ground and the hoar frost glistening in the sun. I love hoar frost.

I woke up excited as ever and started to get ready for the day. Our wedding day had finally arrived and I was thrilled! We had been counting down for so long! After visiting the hair salon with my sisters, 2 parallel brunch parties began- the “Mrunch” (men’s brunch), and the “Bridal Brunch” (for us ladies.) It was so fun to get together with everyone and ride the buzz of excitement as we chatted and enjoyed a meal at my Aunt’s and Uncle’s place. They were so kind to let us celebrate there! (The men were at my parents.) My Mom and Sis in law followed us over, and my cousin Jaima was really sweet to plan the event. She made it so special! I love the cards that everyone wrote to me - Thanks, ladies!
My sisters and I finished getting ready and had a little time to hang out. It was fun to chat as we did makeup, and to visit before the big event.

Soon the time to leave for the temple came and we loaded our stuff in the van then made our way over! We wound our way through the tree lined streets and crossed the ravine then came along the bend in the freeway. The temple looked so pretty under the clear sky on our right as we saw it at the top of the hill. I couldn’t believe that the time had finally come! Dad dropped us off right in front and we walked in with my big dress all garment bagged up. They checked our recommends and we went to the foyer.

Spencer: The “Mrunch” was the brainchild of John Schneider and Ian Puente, more as a counterpoint to the Bridal Brunch and to give us something to do in the morning as opposed to simply sitting around acting bored. Also, it allowed us to keep an eye on all the kids. John and Ian prepared a very yummy dish involving eggs, bacon, bread and other assorted goodies, which we wholeheartedly enjoyed.
As the Mrunch was winding down, my groomsmen (my friend Tom and my brother Adam) went to go get an “executive shave.” Essentially, it was a professional shave done at a salon where they spent 45 minutes preparing the face, shaving and cleaning up. It was really nice and refreshing. We had to go in turns due to the number of barbers available; Tom and I went first, then as Adam went, Tom and I went to go pick up his tuxedo.

Traffic decided to be a pain, mainly because of a broken water main right outside the tuxedo shop. We got through by using L.A. traffic avoidance techniques (bypass the main street by using side streets, then rejoin main street at last possible moment), picked up Adam at the barber, picked up my dad and went off to the temple.
We took a little longer than I would have liked due to not knowing the intricacies of Edmonton driving, but we made it right on time.

Linds: It was nostalgic to be back in my familiar temple, and Spence arrived shortly after we did. We saw each other and hugged, so excited to see each other for the first time on our wedding day. We chatted and felt excited together. Before we knew it, he and I were sitting in the celestial room holding hands, realizing we were about to experience the opportunity we had been waiting for: to be sealed together for time and eternity. Spencer leaned over and said, “zero!” to me, and I smiled.

Our countdown to the wedding day had ended. There were only seconds between us and marriage!! We entered the sealing room and saw all our family and friends waiting for us. There was such a special feeling of love there! It was just marvelous! Without giving too much detail about the ceremony, I just have to say it’s wonderful to marry in the temple and I recommend it! I felt so happy as I looked at the man of my dreams and responded affirmatively that I wanted to spend every moment possible with him! The sealing was performed by my old Bishop, whose wife taught me piano growing up. It was really special to be there with a lot of our family and friends, feasting on the spirit in that special room.

Spencer: I was so happy to finally find that woman whom I was supposed to spend forever with. Knowing that the temple was the only way to make that happen and that both of us were worthy to make this eternal commitment made it that much more special. And to be surrounded by family and friends who had cheered us on throughout our lives to this point and were there to support the forming of our family made the moment complete.
After the ceremony we headed outside and documented the occasion with pictures!

You can see lots of things in these pictures. Lindsay’s shining face, smiles on everybody. The one thing you can’t really see is how cold it was out there. Since we were in Canada, the metric system is used; it ended up being around -20 degrees Celsius. For the Americans reading this, that translates into -4 degrees Fahrenheit. Needless to say, there wasn’t much delaying going on taking these pictures. They turned out great despite the frigid conditions. Then we made our way to the Mayfair, where we partied!
Linds: We found a venue by the lovely Edmonton ravine for our reception. We wanted our event to have a vintage style, fun ambience, with a splash of elegance. We scoured magazines (well I did, and Spence joined in some too,) and found some ideas we liked, then continued to work and plan with my Mom and some friends. Things really came into place- my sister in law and Mom found delicious red velvet cupcakes for our wedding cake, we decided to use pinwheels as centerpieces, and because Spence is a “bean counter,” the flower vases were filled with jellybeans! It was just delightful!
We had an absolute blast pulling up to the reception hall and meeting our photographer to take some fun, silly pictures. We stood in front of a backdrop we had set up and played with all sorts of ridiculous props my cousin had brought. Spence tickled my nose with a peacock feather; I laughed hysterically when he put the pith helmet on and made a sergeant like face. We posed with silly faces, serious faces, and moustache faces. We had an all round great time!

When everyone sat down in the banquet room Spence and I entered to the song “The Final Countdown.” It was great to see all our friends and family in one room! Everyone clapped as we came in, introduced for the first time as “Mr. and Mrs. Ferrero!” as we entered, my little cousin (the only girl in her generation so far,) threw rose petals at us! It was really cute and fun! After we sat down, my nephews came through as the adorable ring bearers and we did our ring exchange, which was so special and sweet to hear Spencer’s words and to share my own of commitment and love.

The dinner and program were yummy and entertaining, respectively- a big program hit was the song my brothers put together in Johnny Cash style about Spencer and I. It was great! With a few more fun and awesome toasts from parents and bridesmaids and groomsmen, we made our way to the dance floor!

The other day my nephew caught Spence and I stealing a kiss in the hallway at their place. He said, "Why are you kissing?" "Because we're married!" I replied. Then he said the funniest thing, "You're not married here!" We laughed and then I explained, "We're married everywhere we go!"