Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I can hardly believe it, but I've lived in LA for 5 years! It has been a lovely place to be: great people, places, food, and . . .

you guessed it: w e a t h e r! I have to admit that nice as it is here, I have suffered from seasonal disorientation, itching to cosy into a sweater and sit by the fire with hot chocolate, at least for a day or two, but I love the beach and balm.

Ok, so yea, sometimes I still open a window in the morning expecting frosty air. But all I find is maybe some condensation on my windshield. This is because over and over, all I do is put on my sandals and pack a light sweater not because it will be super cold, but more often just in case I am in a building with over excited air conditioning.

I open my window sometimes and some un-kickable instinct in me still wonders, 'has the first winter snow finally come?' I think it took a couple years of living here to really believe that there is not much of a change in seasons here, but I still have a sense to check the weather a little before getting dressed or leaving for the day. I also get really excited when I see leaves that have changed color this time of year. Pretty much I am on weather alert so I don't get caught unprepared on a horrifically hot day, and I look outside or take a step outdoors to see, 'Oh, what a BEAUTIFUL day! (again!)' I have not ceased to be amazed with the weather down here.

So you will imagine my surprise when I looked up from my playground supervision duties the other day to see this:


Yes, apparently there are 'snow birds' even here in the lovely Los Angeles. Ok, so there were only like 4. Fewer than this pic, but still!?

And yes, they were headed south! But maybe it's just for their other nest in Tijuana?


  1. Those who read and dont live here: This blog post is to endorse coming for a visit!

  2. bhahaha! i love it.....and we WILL. i still haven't been to disneyland!

  3. I was driving on La Cienega today and saw a sign on a car repair shop that said, "The weather is changing, it is a good time for a brake inspection." I am not sure if 5 degrees qualifies as a weather change, but I thought it was funny.

  4. I love the different seasons too but if one season is overambitious let it please be summer!
